RKSMVV has a zero tolerance policy towards ragging. All members of the Campus community are discouraged to indulge in overbearing attitude and abuse fellow community members in any way that results in a sense of discomfort and insecurity.
The college has a dedicated Anti- Ragging Cell in place, established in May 2016. Every year the cell meets with the first-year students and sensitises them about ragging and all other kinds of abuses and informs them about the punishments for the perpetrators of the same.
There are two student representatives – one from among the day scholars and the other from the hostel – to work in close collaboration with the cell to ensure a definite code of conduct is observed by students.
The Cell has organized various programmes to create awareness since its inception. They are as follows:
- Poster-making on the theme of Anti-ragging by students in July, 2016.
- Film screening about ragging on May 14th, 2018.
- Worshop with acid attack victim Manisha Pailan and Ahalya, an NGO, on January 27th, 2019