Ramakrishna Sarada Mission Vivekananda Vidyabhavan has launched a scheme of small research grants for encouraging and facilitating academic research among its faculty. All teachers and librarians (Full-time and monastic) of the College will be eligible to apply for the RKSMVV Research grant.
1. RKSMVV Research Grant 2019-2020 Dr. Sanghamitra Mukherjee, Asst. Professor, Department of Sanskrit had been the recipient of the first RKSMVV Research Grant for the tenure 2019-20. Her project was Study of Spy in Kautilya’s Arthashastra in Comparison with other Indian texts and its Modern Perspectives.
Her project was sanctioned on 08.06. 2019 Her project summary can be viewed here
2. Research Grant 2020-2021 Ms. Bisaka Blone, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology is the second recipient of the RKSMVV Research Grant for the tenure 2020-21. Her project was Aspirations of Poor Children and Their Educational Achievement: Case Study - Kolkata
Her project was sanctioned on 19.06. 2020 Her project abstract can be viewed here.
3. Research Grant 2021-2022 Ms Amrita Pramanick is the third and current recipient of RKSMVV Research Grant for the tenure 2021-22
Her project title is Handloom Industry and Weavers’ Status at Begumpur of Hooghly District, West Bengal.
Her project was sanctioned on 26. 10.2021 Her project abstract can be viewed here.
1. Dr. Panchali Majumdar, Associate Professor of History, The beginnings of progressive Literature: Short Stories by Munshi Premchand, July 23, 2017.
2. Dr. Bidisha Chatterjee, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Juxtaposing Care: A Case Study of Jail Inmates in Presidency Correctional Home and Alipore Correctional Home.
3. Dr. Sanghamitra Mukherjee, Department of Sanskrit, November 27, 2020, Kautilya’s Arthashastra
4. Ms. Nibedita Banerjee, Department of Psychology, December 11, 2020, A Experimental Study On Adolescents Withand Without Specific Learning Disability
5. Ms. Moumita De, Department of Human Rights, February 10, 2021, The Criminal Justice System: Human Rights with Reference to IPc, CrPC and Indian Evidence Act.
6. Dr. Debarati Chakrabarti, Department of Bengali, February 26, 2021, Bhasar Darshan o Sahityer Bhasa: ekti uttaradhunik prastab, To commemorate BhashaDibas (February 2021)
7. Ms.Soma Mukhopadhyay, Department of Geography, September 8, 2021, Improper Urbanization on Inspirational Wetland of Rajarhat and Adjoining Areas , West Bengal Analysis by GIS
8. Mr. Sam Mukherjee, a Canada-based Indian author conducted a creative writing workshop with the teachers of our institution on March 28., 2018. The meet, exploring writing and communication skills, was an enriching experience for our faculty.
9. Students’ presentation, September 29, 2021, Narratives of Independence Before and After 1947