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Department of Economics

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Initiation and Brief Overview

From the inception of the college on 1962 the Department of Economics had only general course. The honours section started from academic session 2002-03 and at that time, it was the only science department offering B.Sc. degree. At present, the Economics Department has a five-member faculty (2 assistant professors and 3 SACT professors).

Vision and Outlook

We try to make our students aware about the economic changes in present day world and critically analyse them. We emphasize on not only acquisition of knowledge but also use of it for sustainable development of the common mass. We focus on overall development of our students so that they can be self-reliant and self-sufficient, keeping in view the CBCS syllabus under WBSU.

Methods of Teaching

Extensive board work is very essential in our subject. Apart from this classroom lectures or the chalk and talk method, the Department uses ICT based classes and audio-visual aids, like, Power-point presentations, to enhance learning interests. The Department also organizes educational tours and other extension activities each year to get real life experience from the economy surrounding them and analyse different problems. It also improves the mental health of the students. Regular assessments through class-tests, internal assessments and end of the semester mock-exams ensure that the students are well prepared for their final end-semester examinations. Students are encouraged to prepare charts and short write ups in regular basis. Audio- video clips and lectures by eminent speakers are shared by teachers to enhance students’ outlook. Film show related with economic events and famous economists are also arranged occasionally. In their project work they learn data handling and paper writing.


The Department maintains a Seminar Library constituting of books and materials of reference which are very important for students to prepare their day to day basis study. Most of the books are donated by some generous educationist or teachers of the college. The alumni also donate books for the departmental library. Xerox copies of some reference books which are not in the college library are also kept for students’ convenience. The Department also has a collection of educational AV material related to the Core Course and DSE syllabus. The department possess an ICT enabled classroom and also a laptop on its own. Students have access to the computers to learn different Econometric software courses like SPSS, E-VIEWS, STATA which are part of the CBCS syllabus. They also use computers to complete their project work which is a major part of CBCS curriculum.



Courses offered (CBCS)

The following courses are offered under the CBCS System:

  • Core Course
  • Skill Enhancement Course (SEC)
  • Discipline Specific Elective Course (DSE)
  • Generic Elective Course

Syllabus for CBCS

Courses offered (NEP)

The following courses are offered under the NEP System:

  • Major Course
  • Minor Course
  • Skill Enhancement Course (SEC)
  • Multidisciplinary Course (MDC)

Syllabus for NEP

Programme Specific Outcome :

PSO1 Understand economic terms, methodologies, tools and analytical processes

PSO2 Understand the economic theories and their applicability.

PSO3 Economical, Mathematical, Statistical and Logical Thinking and Problem solving

PSO4 Data Analysis and Use of Software

PSO5 Develop Research related skill and Prepare for Higher Studies and Professional courses

PSO6 Awareness about Social and Economic Problems

PSO7 Analyse Indian Economics and Government Policies

Paper Name and Course Outcome Economics Honours (CBCS)

Core Course 1 – Introductory Microeconomics – ECOACOR01T

1. Exploring the subject matter of Economics

2. Supply and Demand: How Markets Work, Markets and Welfare

3. The Households

4. Production and Cost

5. Market Structure

●      Introduce with the basic problem of the economy and optimal allocation of resources accordingly.

●      Understand basic microeconomic concepts like demand, supply, production, cost, revenue and profit and the theories explaining their determination.

●      Learn how the various economic agents like consumers, firms behave rationally to optimize their goals given the economic resources.

●      Understand market clearing process with the help of demand supply apparatus and the role of the government.


Core Course 2 – Mathematical Methods for Economics-I – ECOACOR02T

  1. Preliminaries
  2. Brief Review of Differential and Integral Calculus
  3. Simultaneous Linear Systems and Related Applications of Matrix Algebra
  4. Other Topics
  5. Single-variable optimization
  6. Multi-variable optimization


●      Get aware about the increased use of mathematical tools in solving economic problems.

●      Use various mathematical techniques like differentiation, integration, matrix algebra etc. for understanding basic economic theories.

●      Understand constrained and unconstrained optimization problem for local and global optimization in relation with consumption and production.


Core Course 3 – Introductory Macroeconomics – ECOACOR03T

  1. Introduction to Macroeconomics and National Income Accounting
  2. Money
  3. Inflation
  4. The Closed Economy in the Short Run



●      The nature and basic concepts of Macroeconomics.

●      The concept and measurement of different components of national income and its importance as an indicator of economic welfare.

●      The construction and measurement of aggregate macroeconomic variable like savings, investment, GDP, balance of payment, unemployment, money and inflation.

●      The income determination in the closed economy in short run in Classical and Keynesian system, with essential impacts of fiscal and monetary policy variables, IS-LM model, concept of multipliers.


Core Course 4 – Statistical Methods for Economics – I – ECOACOR04T

1.     Basic concepts

2.     Measures of Central tendency

3.     Measures of Dispersion

4.     Measures of Skewness and Kurtosis

5.     Bivariate frequency distribution

6.     ANOVA Tables(concepts only)

7.     Time series

8.     Index Numbers

9.     Vital statistics


●      The basic concepts of statistical methods like population, sample, primary and secondary data, frequency distribution, diagrammatic representation of data etc.

●      The computation of central tendency, dispersion, skewness and kurtosis, Correlation and Regression Analysis

●      The concept of ANOVA table; The concept and measurement of time series, index numbers and vital statistics.


Core Course 5 – Intermediate Microeconomics – I – ECOACOR05T

  1. Consumer Theory Revisited
  2. Market Structure: Perfect Competition
  3. Imperfect Market Structure: Monopoly
  4. Imperfect Market Structure: Monopolistic Competition



●              To train in microeconomic theory to formally analyze the behaviour of individual agents.

●              To use mathematical tools for the analysis of the optimizing behavior of different individual units like consumer, firm;

●              To learn about the concept of risk and how to deal with risk and to reduce risk;

●              To analyse the short run and long run behavior of firm and industry under different market structure such as perfect competition and imperfect competition


Core Course 6 – Intermediate Macroeconomics – I – ECOACOR06T

  1. The classical system
  2. The Complete Keynesian model
  3. Inflation, Unemployment and Expectations
  4. Open Economy Models
●      To introduce various macro-economy models to sue them as analysing tools;

●        To derive aggregate demand and aggregate supply curves;

●                     To explain different theories of output and employment determination in a closed economy in short       run  and   medium run;

●                     To use policies in this context;

●                     To introduce the concept of Inflation, its causes and effects, the inflation- unemployment trade-off, different policies regarding inflation;

●                     To learn about various theoretical issues related to open economy;


Core Course 7 – Mathematical Methods for Economics-II – ECOACOR07T

  1. Multi-variable function: some concepts
  2. Classical Optimization
  3. Linear Programming and Duality
  4. Simultaneous Equation Systems
  5. Dynamical Methods: algebraic and geometric exposition
  6. Game Theory and its Applications


●      Understand concepts of functions and graphs used in economic theories.

●      Learn to determine micro level market adjustments and macro level scenarios in dynamic models with the help of difference and differential equations.

●      Apply knowledge to solve the problems on theory of consumer and firm, intertemporal choice theory, behaviour under uncertainty and comparative statics,

●      Understand interaction between economic agents in static game theoretic framework.

●      Use of linear programming problem and interdependent industry relations.


SEC Course 1- Survey Methodology – ECOSSEC01M

  1. Introduction, Inference and Error in Surveys
  2. Sampling in Survey Research
  3. Mode of Data Collection
  4. Nonresponse
  5. Post-Survey Processing; Estimation (Lepkowski)
●      Different methods of data collection through field survey.

●      Process of sampling and data collection

●      Ideas on large scale sample survey methods

●      Practical methods of sample handling which will help them in project work.


Core Course 8 – Intermediate Microeconomics – II – ECOACOR08T

1 . Market Structure: Oligopoly and Strategic Behaviour of Firms

2. Market Failure

3.Input Markets

4.General Equilibrium, Efficiency and Welfare


●      Identify different oligopoly market forms in real life.

●      Learn outcomes of the variable factor markets.

●      Recognise the reasons for market failure.

●      Learn about general equilibrium and welfare and topics under information economics.


Core Course 9 – Intermediate Macroeconomics – II – ECOACOR09T

  1. Economic Growth
  2. Microeconomic Foundations a.Consumption b. Investment c. Demand for money
  3.  Schools of Macroeconomic Thoughts


●      To introduce  the long run dynamic issues like growth and technical progress;

●      To provide the micro-foundations to the various aggregative concepts with alternative theories;

●      To discuss the different schools of Macroeconomic thoughts


Core Course 10 – Statistical Methods for Economics-II – ECOACOR10T

  1. Introduction and Overview
  2. Elementary Probability Theory
  3. Random Variables and Probability Distributions
  4. Random Sampling and Jointly Distributed Random Variables
  5. Sampling
  6. Introduction to statistical Inference


●      To discuss basic statistical terminologies for statistical analysis and inference;

●      To introduce random variable, probabaility, probability distributions;

●      To discuss joint distributions of random variables;

●      To discussion on sampling techniques used to collect survey data;

●      To introduce some concepts on statistical inference that include point of interval estimation;

●      To practice sums related to all concepts

SEC Course 1- Indian Official Statistics – ECOSSEC02M

  1. Introduction
  2. Economic Census
  3. Sources of demographic data
  4. International Statistical System


●      The goal of this paper is to make students aware of different sources of official data.

●      They will know about different types of statistics and how to use them for any research work.

●      Get idea on Indian official Statistics associated with collection, compilation and publication of data set at the national/state and even regional level


Core Course 11 – Introductory Econometrics – ECOACOR11T

  1. Classical Statistical Inference
  2. Linear Regression
  3. Problems in OLS Method
  4. Multiple Regression with qualitative information
  5. Specification Analysis


●      To introduce to basic econometric concepts and techniques. It covers statistical concepts of

●      To discuss the concept of hypothesis testing, estimation;

●      To illustrate the methods of  diagnostic testing of simple and multiple regression models.

●      To discuss the covers consequences of and tests for misspecification of regression models.

Core Course 12 – Development Economics – ECOACOR12T

  1. Basic concepts of development
  2. Persistence of Underdevelopment and Strategies of Development
  3. Poverty and Inequality
  4. Globalization
●      Understand and justify the alternative concepts of development.

●      Analyse various demographic concepts and their evolution with the help of different theories and models

●      Discuss different aspects of international trade and know the structure and functions of different international financial and trade organisations.

●      Learn the different measures of poverty and inequality and interpret the linkages between growth and inequality


DSE Course – Group A (a) – Applied Econometrics – ECOADSE01T

  1. Stages in Empirical Econometric Research
  2. Essential steps in Primary data collection
  3. Application of Statistics
  4. Application of Econometrics
  5. Introduction to Econometric Software Package


●      The research methodology, the fundamental steps in primary data collection, the analysis of data in terms of charts, diagrams both for primary and secondary data, estimation of descriptive statistics.

●      The Linear Econometric Model with deep understanding of the problems of Multicollinearity, Heteroscedasticity, Auto-correlation and Dummy variables.

●      The econometric software package SPSS or E–VIEWS or STATA

DSE Course – Group A (b) – Public Economics – ECOADSE02T

  1. Nature and Scope of Public Economics
  2. Theory of Public Good
  3. Taxation
  4. Public Expenditure and Public Debt


●      The nature and scope of Public Economics illustrating the role of state in a mixed economy.

●      Concept and deep understanding of the theory of public good.

●      Different principles of government taxation and its impact on saving, risk bearing and work effort of economic agents.

●      Different concepts of deficit in government budget and effects of public debt on a society.


DSE Course – Group A (c) – Economics of Health & Education – ECOADSE03T

  1. Role of Health and Education in Human Development
  2. Microeconomic Foundations of Health Economics
  3. Evaluation of Health Programs
  4. Health Sector in India: An Overview
  5. Education: Investment in Human Capital
  6. Education Sector in India: An Overview


●      The importance of education and health in human development.

●      The microeconomic foundations of Health economics, like, uncertainty in health insurance market, market failure and public intervention, inequality aspect etc.

●      The evaluation of different health programs.

●      Different aspects of Economics of Education, like,  Rate of return to education as an investment in human capital, quality of education, theories of different types of discriminations in education sector in India etc.

An overview of health and education in India.

Core Course 13 –  Indian Economy – ECOACOR13T

  1. Economic Development since Independence
  2. Population and Human Development
  3. Growth and Distribution
  4. Macroeconomic Policies and Their Impact


●      Decipher the structural changes of the Indian economy in the plan period considering the backward nature of the economy

●      Identify the key issues related to Indian agriculture, industry, unemployment and poverty in both pre and post reform periods and their policy relevance.

●      Comprehend the objectives, success and failures of  India’s five year plans and the recent changes in the emphasis

●      Realize and economically interpret the alterations in the government policies related to financial market, public economics and foreign trade


Core Course14 – International Economics – ECOACOR14T

  1. International Trade: Ideas and Concepts
  2. Theories of International Trade
  3. Trade Policy
  4. Balance of Payment
●      Assess the Classical and Neo-classical theories of trade through the concepts of gains from trade, terms of trade, and absolute and comparative advantage

●      Compare among various trade restriction policies and their welfare implications

●      Relate international trade with factor income and country size with gains from trade

●      Identify the policies for ensuring internal and external balance in a nation


DSE Course – Group B(a) – Contemporary Development Economics – ECOADSE04T

  1. Meaning of Economic Development
  2. Poverty and Inequality
  3. Political Institutions and the State
  4. Individuals, Communities and Collective Outcomes
  5. Environment and Sustainable Development
  6. Globalization


●      To impart extended knowledge of different development indices like HDI, hpi, Inequality etc.;

●      To discuss alternative institutional trajectories and their relationship with economic performance;

●      To elaborate individual behavior with social environment , individual responses to organizational inefficiency;

●      To discuss the concept of sustainable development in consideration with environment

DSE Course – Group B(b) – Financial Economics – ECOADSE05T

  1. Investment Theory and Portfolio Analysis

a.      Deterministic cash-flow streams

b.     Single-period random cash flows

c.      CAPM

  1. Options and Derivatives
  2. Corporate Finance


●      To give the idea on theory of interest and different concepts related to interest like interest rate sensitivity, yield curves, immunization etc.,

●      To discuss the asset returns, portfolio analysis, risk-free assets , capital market ;

●      To explain the contracts , future prices, stock index futures, the principle of arbitrage, and financing in the corporate sector;

●       To develop comprehensive knowledge on the role of finance in the operation of an economy.


DSE Course – Group B (c) – Project/ Dissertation – ECOADSE02P

The course is aimed at providing students the scope to develop the skill of taking up independent analytical research project where they can learn how to select a real life problem, transform the problem into a research question and to apply an analytical framework based on theories learnt and use quantitative tools and problem designing skill. The students are supposed to come up with a conclusive answer to the research question. Finally a report will have to be submitted by the student. This exercise is expected to enhance analytical skill of the students.

●      A brief and precise research work.

●      Research analysis on contemporary socio-economic issues by applying research methodology.

●      Data presentation, economic analysis and preparation of dissertation using statistical and simple econometric tools.

●      The concise form of presentation and this concept will be helpful in their future academic and job assignments.

 After completion of the course students will be able to:

  COs Knowledge level






●        Introduce the basic problem of the economy and optimal allocation of resources accordingly.

●        Understand basic microeconomic concepts like demand, supply, production, cost, revenue and profit and the theories explaining their determination.

●        Learn how the various economic agents like consumers, firms behave rationally to optimize their goals given the economic resources.

●        Understand market clearing process with the help of demand supply apparatus and the role of the government.




Identify and Describe










●        Get aware about the increased use of mathematical tools in solving economic problems.

●        Use various mathematical techniques like differentiation, integration, matrix algebra etc. for understanding basic economic theories.

●        Understand constrained and unconstrained optimization problem for local and global optimization in relation with consumption and production.


Adapt and Apply


Apply and Determine


Classify, Optimize and Evaluate




●        The nature and basic concepts of Macroeconomics.

●        The concept and measurement of different components of national income and its importance as an indicator of economic welfare.

●        The construction and measurement of aggregate macroeconomic variable like savings, investment, GDP, balance of payment, unemployment, money and inflation.

●        The income determination in the closed economy in short run in Classical and Keynesian system, with essential impacts of fiscal and monetary policy variables, IS-LM model, concept of multipliers.


Cite and Define





characterize and Compute



Determine and Explain




●        The basic concepts of statistical methods like population, sample, primary and secondary data, frequency distribution, diagrammatic representation of data etc.

●        The computation of central tendency, dispersion, skewness and kurtosis, Correlation and Regression Analysis

●        The concept of ANOVA table; The concept and measurement of time series, index numbers and vital statistics.


Define, Recognize, Graph





Recognize and Determine




●        To train in microeconomic theory to formally analyze the behaviour of individual agents.

●        To use mathematical tools for the analysis of the optimizing behavior of different individual units like consumer, firm;

●        To learn about the concept of risk and how to deal with risk and to reduce risk;

●        To analyse the short run and long run behavior of firm and industry under different market structure such as perfect competition and imperfect competition




Apply, Optimize




Derive, Compare

CO6 ●        To introduce various macro-economy models to sue them as analysing tools;

●        To derive aggregate demand and aggregate supply curves;

●        To explain different theories of output and employment determination in a closed economy in short run  and medium run;

●        To use policies in this context;

●        To introduce the concept of Inflation, its causes and effects, the inflation- unemployment trade-off, different policies regarding inflation;

●        To learn about various theoretical issues related to open economy;


Point out








Articulate and Express


Study and Review






●        Understand concepts of functions and graphs used in economic theories.

●        Learn to determine micro level market adjustments and macro level scenarios in dynamic models with the help of difference and differential equations.

●        Apply knowledge to solve the problems on theory of consumer and firm, intertemporal choice theory, behaviour under uncertainty and comparative statics,

●        Understand interaction between economic agents in static game theoretic framework.

●        Use of linear programming problems and interdependent industry relations.








Explore, Compute



Recognize, Interpret

Enumerate, Solve



●        Identify different oligopoly market forms in real life.

●        Learn outcomes of the variable factor markets.

●        Recognise the reasons for market failure.

●        Learn about general equilibrium and welfare and topics under information economics.










●        To introduce  the long run dynamic issues like growth and technical progress;

●        To provide the micro-foundations to the various aggregative concepts with alternative theories;

●        To discuss the different schools of Macroeconomic thoughts









●        To discuss basic statistical terminologies for statistical analysis and inference;

●        To introduce random variable, probabaility, probability distributions;

●        To discuss joint distributions of random variables;

●        To discussion on sampling techniques used to collect survey data;

●        To introduce some concepts on statistical inference that include point of interval estimation;

●        To practice sums related to all concepts







Study and Apply







●        To introduce the basic econometric concepts and techniques. It covers statistical concepts of

●        To discuss the concept of hypothesis testing, estimation;

●        To illustrate the methods of  diagnostic testing of simple and multiple regression models.

●        To discuss the covers consequences of and tests for misspecification of regression models.





Explain, Predict

Point out

CO12 ●        Understand and justify the alternative concepts of development.

●        Analyse various demographic concepts and their evolution with the help of different theories and models

●        Discuss different aspects of international trade and know the structure and functions of different international financial and trade organisations.

●        Learn the different measures of poverty and inequality and interpret the linkages between growth and inequality


Classify and Cultivate

Diagnose and Explain











●        Decipher the structural changes of the Indian economy in the plan period considering the backward nature of the economy

●        Identify the key issues related to Indian agriculture, industry, unemployment and poverty in both pre and post reform periods and their policy relevance.

●        Comprehend the objectives, success and failures of  India’s five year plans and the recent changes in the emphasis

●        Realize and economically interpret the alterations in the government policies related to financial market, public economics and foreign trade









Elaborate, Assess


Depict, Criticize

CO14 ●        Assess the Classical and Neo-classical theories of trade through the concepts of gains from trade, terms of trade, and absolute and comparative advantage

●        Compare among various trade restriction policies and their welfare implications

●        Relate international trade with factor income and country size with gains from trade

●        Identify the policies for ensuring internal and external balance in a nation













●        The research methodology, the fundamental steps in primary data collection, the analysis of data in terms of charts, diagrams both for primary and secondary data, estimation of descriptive statistics.

●        The Linear Econometric Model with deep understanding of the problems of Multicollinearity, Heteroscedasticity, Auto-correlation and Dummy variables.

●        The econometric software package SPSS or E–VIEWS or STATA

Analyze and Justify




Diagnose and Predict



Adapt and Apply




●        The nature and scope of Public Economics illustrating the role of state in a mixed economy.

●        Concept and deep understanding of the theory of public good.

●        Different principles of government taxation and its impact on saving, risk bearing and work effort of economic agents.

●        Different concepts of deficit in government budget and effects of public debt on a society.















●        The importance of education and health in human development.

●        The microeconomic foundations of Health economics, like, uncertainty in health insurance market, market failure and public intervention, inequality aspect etc.

●        The evaluation of different health programs.

●        Different aspects of Economics of Education, like,  Rate of return to education as an investment in human capital, quality of education, theories of different types of discriminations in education sector in India etc.

●        An overview of health and education in India.








Classify and Compare









●        To impart extended knowledge of different development indices like HDI, hpi, Inequality etc.;

●        To discuss alternative institutional trajectories and their relationship with economic performance;

●        To elaborate individual behavior with social environment , individual responses to organizational inefficiency;

●        To discuss the concept of sustainable development in consideration with environment














●        To give the idea on theory of interest and different concepts related to interest like interest rate sensitivity, yield curves, immunization etc.,

●        To discuss the asset returns, portfolio analysis, risk-free assets , capital market ;

●        To explain the contracts , future prices, stock index futures, the principle of arbitrage, and financing in the corporate sector;

●        To develop comprehensive knowledge on the role of finance in the operation of an economy.














●        A brief and precise research work.

●        Research analysis on contemporary socio-economic issues by applying research methodology.

●        Data presentation, economic analysis and preparation of dissertation using statistical and simple econometric tools.

●        The concise form of presentation and this concept will be helpful in their future academic and job assignments.





Document, Develop


Interpret, Prescribe and Summarize



PO, CO Matrix:

  PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9


























































Paper Name and Course Outcome Economics Major (NEP)

DS 1 – Introductory Microeconomics

1. Exploring the subject matter of Economics

2. Supply and Demand: How Markets Work, Markets and Welfare

3. The Households

4. Production and Cost

5. Market Structure

●      Introduce with the basic problem of the economy and optimal allocation of resources accordingly.

●      Understand basic microeconomic concepts like demand, supply, production, cost, revenue and profit and the theories explaining their determination.

●      Learn how the various economic agents like consumers, firms behave rationally to optimize their goals given the economic resources.

●      Understand market clearing process with the help of demand supply apparatus and the role of the government.


DS- 2 Introductory Macroeconomics –

Introduction to Macroeconomics and National Income Accounting

●      Money

●      Inflation

●      The Closed Economy in the Short Run


●      The nature and basic concepts of Macroeconomics.

●      The concept and measurement of different components of national income and its importance as an indicator of economic welfare.

●      The construction and measurement of aggregate macroeconomic variable like savings, investment, GDP, balance of payment, unemployment, money and inflation.

●      The income determination in the closed economy in short run in Classical and Keynesian system, with essential impacts of fiscal and monetary policy variables, IS-LM model, concept of multipliers.


After completion of the course students will be able to:

  COs Knowledge level






●        Introduce the basic problem of the economy and optimal allocation of resources accordingly.

●        Understand basic microeconomic concepts like demand, supply, production, cost, revenue and profit and the theories explaining their determination.

●        Learn how the various economic agents like consumers, firms behave rationally to optimize their goals given the economic resources.

●        Understand market clearing process with the help of demand supply apparatus and the role of the government.




Identify and Describe











●        The nature and basic concepts of Macroeconomics.

●        The concept and measurement of different components of national income and its importance as an indicator of economic welfare.

●        The construction and measurement of aggregate macroeconomic variable like savings, investment, GDP, balance of payment, unemployment, money and inflation.

●        The income determination in the closed economy in short run in Classical and Keynesian system, with essential impacts of fiscal and monetary policy variables, IS-LM model, concept of multipliers.


Cite and Define





characterize and Compute



Determine and Explain


PO, CO Matrix:

  PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9





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