On the basis of its performance and on the strength of its faculty, NAAC (2nd Cycle, 2016) recommended opening an autonomous PG course (MA English) for the Department. As soon as the Department and the College gets Government approval, it will initiate and run a PG course in English.
Vision and Outlook
We focus on inculcating a love for literature among our students, with particular effort towards building their analytical abilities and academic writing skills and work towards honing their critical and creative thinking abilities. Spoken and written fluency in the English language is desirable among students, as class lectures are entirely in English.
In future, our students typically move on to academic as well as non-academic jobs in both private and public sectors. Many of our students go on to choose and work in fields like research, teaching, media, content writing, public relations and advertisement.
Lectures and Audio-visual modes
Apart form classroom lectures or the chalk and talk method, the Department uses ICT based classes and audio-visual aids in smart classrooms to stimulate learning interests. PowerPoint presentations and films related to texts and authors are a staple part of our teaching and learning process.
In accordance with the larger discipline of our College, the entire syllabus (opted for teaching) is completed before the semester exams take place.
Extra tutorial classes are taken for students of Semesters 1 and 2. In these classes the students are divided into small groups so that more individual attention can be devoted to their academic supervision and guidance.
Classwork, tests and presentations
Regular assessments through written classwork and class-tests and end of the semester mock-exams ensure that the students are well prepared for their final end-semester examinations. Constructive feedbacks and suggestions on their written assignments/tests are shared with the students.
Besides cultivating their skills in writing assignments and tests, our students also get initiated into the basics of academic research and short paper presentations. As part of their internal examinations, and in keeping with the guidelines of the University syllabus, the students are asked to submit short research papers or do short paper presentations on given texts/areas. These practices help greatly in shaping their critical thinking abilities and familiarize them with the ground rules of research.
Online Teaching-Learning Platform
Since May 2020, we use Google Workspace (G Suite for Education) for our regular online teaching-learning activities as well as for various departmental programmes like extension lectures and webinars. During the pandemic, online teaching, sharing materials with students, setting assignments and tests as well as evaluation and feedback are being carried on as per scheduled routine.
Parent-Teacher Meetings
The Department arranges at least one Parent-Teacher Meeting for each batch in a year to discuss the progress of the students with their guardians. In addition, any parent or guardian is welcome to get in touch with the Department regarding any issue/s concerning the student.
Departmental Feedback
The Department has its own feedback system, which is collected from each passing out batch via a printed or a virtual form. A detailed feedback is taken on teaching learning, evaluation, extension activities, skills learnt and future plans.
The Department maintains a Seminar Library constituting of relevant critical books and materials of reference that are not part of or available in the College Central Library. The Department also has a collection of films and educational Audio-Visual material related to the Core Course syllabus.
In addition to the critical reference library, the Department also has a storybook and leisure reading Library, to encourage general reading among the Departmental students.
The Department has a smart TV, a laptop and a DSLR camera. These Departmental assets are used for teaching-learning purposes and for documenting and recording special Departmental events.
Departmental Highlights
Email: english@rksmvv.ac.in
Courses offered
The following courses are offered under the NEP and Choice Based Credit System:
Syllabus for NEP
Syllabus for CBCS
Programme Outcome for Bachelor of Arts
A graduate student in arts/social sciences/humanities shall be
PO1: Communication Skills: Confident to speak, write, read, listen and understand the English language and one or more Indian languages. Relate the ideas, knowledge, books, and people. Think and decide rationally, and adopt technology and electronic/print media in disseminating thoughts, facts and realities.
PO2: Social responsibility: Develop an obligation to act for the benefit of society at large. Cultivate the responsibility to maintain a balance between the economy and the ecosystems. Nurture a moral obligation to minimize the adverse effect on those immediately around them.
PO3: Critical, logical and rational thinking: Acquire the ability for objective, rational, skeptical, logical, and unbiased analysis of factual evidences to form a judgment or conclusion. Enhance the process of rational thinking, problem solving and analytical evaluation from different perspectives.
PO4: Enlightened and effective Citizenship: Cultivate progressive citizenship for a knowledge society for peace and prosperity of nations and the world. Develop clear, rational and progressive thinking. Participate in decision-making concerning the society and upholding national development, integrity, unity and fraternity.
PO5: Values and Ethics: Recognize the importance, worth and usefulness of principles and standards of behaviour and moral dimensions of one’s own decisions and judgements. Be aware of various aspects of social responsibility through social, outreach, and cultural activities during the programme. Shape a personality which understands and appreciates religious and cultural diversity and plurality.
PO6: Sustainable development: Understand, organize and promote the principle of human development goals by sustaining the ability of natural systems, natural resources and ecosystem services upon which the economy and society depends.
PO7: Life-long process of Learning: Cultivate the proficiency to engage in independent, life-long and progressive learning abilities in the broadest context of changing socio-politico-economic-cultural and technological scenario.
PO8: Employment Skills: Be prepared for employment in various fields by developing reading, writing and comprehension skills which make the students fit and eligible for jobs in the government and non-government sectors. A broad spectrum study of various subjects helps the students compete in various examinations for employment after graduation.
Programme Specific Outcomes:
PSO1 Disciplinary Knowledge
PSO2 Critical Thinking
PSO3 Critical Appreciation
PSO4 Theory Appreciation
PSO5 Research Skills
PSO6 Presentation Skills
PSO7 Developing Empathy
PSO8 Societal Awareness
PSO9 Close Textual Reading
PSO10 Language Proficiency
PSO11 Academic Writing
PSO 12 Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Paper Name & Course Outcomes for CBCS Syllabus:
Classical Literature
CC 1 ENGACOR01T Indian Classical Literature (Sem I)
CC 2 ENGACOR02T European Classical Literature (Sem I)
CC 3 ENGACOR03T Indian writing in English (Sem II)
CC 5 ENGACOR05T American Literature (Sem III)
CC 6 ENGACOR06T Popular Literature (Sem III)
CC 7 ENGACOR07T British Poetry and Drama (17th -18th C) (Sem III)
CC 8 ENGACOR08T British Literature (18th C) (Sem IV)
CC 9 ENGACOR09T British Romantic Literature (Sem IV)
CC 10 ENGACOR10T 19th C British Literature (Sem IV)
CC 11 ENGACOR11T Women’s Writing (Sem V)
CC 12 ENGACOR12T Early 20th C British Literature (Sem V)
CC 13 ENGACOR13T Modern European Drama (Sem VI)
CC 14 ENGACOR14T Postcolonial Literature (Sem VI)
Discipline Centric Elective Courses
ENGADSE01T Old English Literature, Philology and Rhetoric and Prosody (Sem V)
ENGADSE02T Literary Types and Terms (Sem V)
ENGADSE04T Literary Criticism (Sem VI)
ENGADSE05T Partition Literature (Sem VI)
After completion of the course students will be able to:
Cos | Knowledge level
Bloom’s Taxonomy |
PSOs mapping | |
CO1 | The core course familiarizes students with the ancient classics from the Indian subcontinent and is a foundational course that bears reference to the later core courses. CC1 offers students critical readings of selected texts from ancient Indian literature along with their socio-cultural contexts. Simultaneously, students are also acquainted with classical literary theories for a more precise appreciation of the aesthetics of the ancient texts.
trace, associate, interpret | 1,2, 3, 5,6,7, 8,9,10,11,12 |
CO2 | The course acquaints students with the ancient classics from Europe and is a foundational course that bears reference to the later core courses. It includes ancient European epics, narrative poems and dramas that are seen as important origins and influences for later European literatures. The learners get detailed insights into Platonic and Aristotelian theories that are considered fundamental for any student of Western literature.
initiate, establish, connect, prepare | 1,2, 3, 5,6,7, 8,9,10,11,12 |
CO3 | The course offers an in-depth knowledge about the socio-cultural history of colonial and postcolonial India through a selection of texts by Indians writing in English. Indians writing in English constitute a significant and thriving branch of English literature. Beginning with early writers like Derozio and Dutt and going on to current and modern ones like Bond and Rushdie, the course straddles a range of genres like poetry, fiction and drama in Indian English.
recognize, assess, evaluate | 1,2, 3, 5,6,7, 8,9,10,11,12 |
CO4 | The course spans British Poetry and Drama from 14th to 17Th century. The texts along with the respective background-studies provide students with a strong idea about the literary periods and the contemporary social changes affecting the literary characteristics of the corresponding eras. They also develop a detailed critical understanding of the texts and authors in the syllabus. This helps students to have an over-arching as well as a meticulously detailed understanding and appreciation of British canonical literature.
outline, distinguish, discuss, develop, detail, enable | 1,2, 3, 5,6,7, 8,9,10,11,12 |
CO5 | Students get acquainted with the American dream, social realism, folklore, politics of race, gender and colour through a variety of texts including American poetry, fiction and drama. Through this course, they are initiated in a subsidiary branch of English literature.
Identify, explore, elaborate | 1,2, 3, 4,5,7, 8,9,10,11,12 |
CO6 | This unique course brings together texts and contexts outside the so-called canonical boundaries and invites the students to engage with a critical understanding of the contexts of popular or entertaining literature through readings of genres like comic books, crime fiction, fantasy and child-centric literature.
Classify, interact, interpret, integrate | 1,2, 3, 5,6,7, 8,9,10,11,12 |
CO7 | The course covers British Poetry and Drama from 17th to 18th century. The texts along with the respective background-studies provide students with a strong idea about the literary periods and the contemporary social changes affecting the literary characteristics of the corresponding eras. They also develop a detailed critical understanding of the texts and authors in the syllabus. This helps students to have an over-arching as well as a meticulously detailed understanding and appreciation of British canonical literature.
Outline, distinguish, discuss, develop, detail, enable | 1,2, 3, 5,6,7, 8,9,10,11,12 |
CO8 | The course envelops British Literature of the 18th century. The texts along with the respective background-studies provide students with a strong idea about the literary periods and the contemporary social changes affecting the literary characteristics of the corresponding eras. They also develop a detailed critical understanding of the texts and authors in the syllabus. This helps students to have an over-arching as well as a meticulously detailed understanding and appreciation of British canonical literature.
Outline, distinguish, discuss, develop, detail, enable | 1,2, 3, 5,6,7, 8,9,10,11,12 |
CO9 | The course focuses on British Romantic Literature. The texts along with the respective background-studies provide students with a strong idea about the literary periods and the contemporary social changes affecting the literary characteristics of the corresponding eras. They also develop a detailed critical understanding of the texts and authors in the syllabus. This helps students to have an over-arching as well as a meticulously detailed understanding and appreciation of British canonical literature.
Outline, distinguish, discuss, develop, detail, enable | 1,2, 3, 5,6,7, 8,9,10,11,12 |
CO10 | The course spotlights 19th C British Literature. The texts along with the respective background-studies provide students with a strong idea about the literary periods and the contemporary social changes affecting the literary characteristics of the corresponding eras. They also develop a detailed critical understanding of the texts and authors in the syllabus. This helps students to have an over-arching as well as a meticulously detailed understanding and appreciation of British canonical literature.
Outline, distinguish, discuss, develop, detail, enable | 1,2, 3, 5,6,7, 8,9,10,11,12 |
CO11 | In this course studying seminal women-centric texts authored by women writers across ages and geographies, help to ground the students not only in comprehending of the politics of gender but also instils a knowledge of feminist perspectives and the possibilities of resistance and negotiations through literature. Through this paper, the students get an idea of the multivalent aspects of Feminism, a theoretical area closely allied with literature and criticism.
Study, review, dissect, question, facilitate, develop philosophy | 1,2, 3, 4,5,7, 8,9,10,11,12 |
CO12 | This paper deals with early 20th century British Literature The texts along with the respective background-studies provide students with a strong idea about the literary periods and the contemporary social changes affecting the literary characteristics of the corresponding eras. They also develop a detailed critical understanding of the texts and authors in the syllabus. This helps students to have an over-arching as well as a meticulously detailed understanding and appreciation of British canonical literature.
Outline, distinguish, discuss, develop, detail, enable | 1,2, 3, 5,6,7, 8,9,10,11,12 |
CO13 | The course examines plays of key European playwrights from the 19th through 21st centuries, namely Ibsen, Brecht, Beckett, and Ionesco. A brief history of European theatre in the specified timeframe is also studied to initiate students to the socio-cultural background that shaped the dramatic works. The course allows the students to identify and critically analyze the key critical concepts and practices of modern European drama – from Realism to Epic theatre, from Problem plays to the Theatre of the Absurd.
Characterize, explore, evaluate | 1,2, 3, 4,5,7, 8,9,10,11,12 |
CO14 | The course deals with literatures from previously colonized spaces like the Caribbean countries and Latin America, Africa, India and Australia. Through representative texts this course familiarizes students with aspects of decolonization – hegemony, hybrid identities, postcolonial cultures and globalization. Going through the colonial histories and postcolonial texts from varied regions, the students also get an idea of the interconnections and commonality of the socio-culturally diverse writings.
Examine, question, critique, interpret, reconstruct/dismantle, develop philosophy | 1,2, 3, 4,5,7, 8,9,10,11,12 |
CODSE01 | This paper focuses on Old English or Anglo Saxon history and literature, a brief section on the history of language and rhetoric and prosody. This course helps provide a base for history of origins and developments of English language and literature along with knowledge of rhetorical devices and metrical scansion.
locate, distinguish, identify, cultivate | 1, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12 |
CODSE02 | The course concerns literary types and terms. The students are acquainted with the history, development and generic characteristics of Tragedy, Comedy and Novel along with frequently used literary terms. This course provides a solid foundation for appreciating a text within its generic tradition.
Define, appraise, contrast, assess | 1, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12 |
CODSE04 | This paper concentrates on literary criticism and theory. Students gain a comprehensive understanding of major literary theories and their key proponents, concepts, and methodologies. They develop the ability to critically analyze literary texts through various theoretical lenses, like Marxisim, Structuralism, Post-Structuralism, Feminism and Postcolonialism. This will enable students to apply appropriate literary theories to diverse texts, demonstrating how theoretical perspectives can illuminate different aspects of literature. Students will enhance their research skills, refine their academic writing abilities, cultivate critical thinking skills, and recognise the interdisciplinary nature of literary theory. | Facilitate, develop, enable, enhance, employ | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, 12 |
CODSE05 | The course introduces a momentous and painful episode in the history of India – the partition of the nation, through the literature that mourns the loss and records the trauma, dislocation and death of masses amidst fury, fear, violence and anarchy. The assigned texts address the pre-partition map of the undivided colonized nation as well as the horror and violence of partition as experienced on the personal front. The course presents several concerns related to the moment and its aftermath – mass-migration, loss of identity, trauma, ideas of home and exile, memoirs and memories as alternative histories – that combine to help students understand the painful and bloody chapter in Indian history from several perspectives.
Identify, illustrate/document/portray, explore, weigh alternatives, judge problems/issues, | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 |
POs | CC1 | CC2 | CC3 | CC4 | CC5 | CC6 | CC7 | CC8 | CC9 | CC10 | CC11 | CC12 | CC13 | CC14 | DSE 1 | DSE 2 | DSE 3 | DSE 4 |
1.Communication Skills | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
2. Social Responsibility | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | ||||||
3. Critical Logical and Rational Thinking | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | |||
4. Enlightened and Effective Citizenship | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | |||||||||||
5. Values and Ethics | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | |
6. Sustainable Development | √ | |||||||||||||||||
7. Life long Process of Learning | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
8. Employment Skills |
Paper Name & Course Outcomes for NEP Syllabus:
After completion of the course students will be able to:
Cos | Knowledge level
Bloom’s Taxonomy |
PSOs mapping | |
CO1 | The course provides a chronological outline of the periods in the history of English literature in Britain. The history and social context of each period along with the philosophical discourses and literary characteristics of the respective periods (starting from the Middle English period to Postmodern period) create a foundation for further studies in literature.
Identify, picture graphically, tabulate, correspond, characterize, summarize, integrate | 1, 5,6, 10,11,12 |
CO2 | The history of English language provides students with an understanding of the evolution and growth of the language from the Anglo-Saxon period to the contemporary times. The paper also initiates the study of distinctive literary genre like Tragedy, Comedy, Poetry and Novel along with the fundamental concepts of each genre. This will enable students to engage critically with the literary texts in the later semesters.
locate, identify, cultivate distinguish, classify | 1, 5,6, 10,11,12 |
PO | DSE 1 | DSE 2 |
1.Communication Skills | √ | √ |
2. Social responsibility | ||
3. Critical Logical and Rational Thinking | √ | √ |
4. Enlightened and Effective Citizenship | ||
5. Values and Ethics | ||
6. Sustainable Development | √ | √ |
7. Lifelong Process of Learning | √ | √ |
8. Employment Skills |
Associate Professor
View ProfileAssociate Professor
View ProfileAssistant Professor
View ProfileSACT
View ProfileSACT
View ProfileRoutine | Download |
Routine 2024 – Odd Semester | View |
Routine 2024 – Even Semester | View |
Routine 2023 – Even Semester | View |
English Odd Sem 2023 | View |
Routine Even Sem 2022 | View |
Routine Odd Sem 2022 | View |
Routine Even Sem 2021 | View |
Routine Odd Sem 2021 | View |
Routine ODD Sem 2020 | View |
Routine EVEN Sem 2020 | View |
Routine Odd Sem 2019 | View |
Routine Even Sem 2019 | View |
Routine Odd Sem 2018 | View |
Lesson Plan | Download |
Study Material | Download |
African American History / MS DWAITA DEY | View |
Alice in the Classroom / DR. GARGI GANGOPADHYAY | View |
Introduction to Romanticism / DR. GARGI GANGOPADHYAY | View |
Representation of Victorian Childhood in the Alice Books / DR. GARGI GANGOPADHYAY | View |
Pride and Prejudice / DR. RAKHI GHOSH | View |
Women and Marriage in Victorian England / DR. RAKHI GHOSH | View |
Continuous Evaluations | Download |
Sem 1 2021 | View |
Mock test cc1 cc2 2021 | View |
Sem 2 CC4 | View |
Sem 3. 2022 | View |
Sem 4 2020 | View |
Sem 4 2022 CC8 | View |
Sem 4 2022 | View |
Sem 6 2023 | View |
Extension Lectures/ Interdisciplinary Seminars/ Webinars/ Workshops
2023- 2024
Sl No. | Date | Event | Resource Person | Title |
1. | 28.02.2024 & 01.03.2024
Extension Lecture under Global Engagement Programme | Dr. Madhuchhanda Mitra, Professor at St. John’s University, Minnesota, USA | An Introduction to Postcolonial Theory |
2 | 13.03.2024
Extension Lecture
Dr. Argha Banerjee, Associate Professor, Department of English, St. Xavier’s College | Modern European Drama: A brief Introduction
3. | 29.05.2024 | Extension Lecture | Dr. Saheli Roy Chowdhury, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, RKSMVV
Marxism: Some Basic Concepts |
4. | 19.06.2024
Extension Lecture | Dr. Soma Marik, Associate professor, Department of History, RKSMVV
Strands and Waves of Feminism
Sl. No. | Date | Event | Resource Person | Title |
1. | 11.05.2023 | Extension Lecture | Prof Dwaita Dey, Department of English, RKSMVV | Global Engagement Programme. ‘Throwing Light’ on ‘Heart of Darkness’: An Analysis of the Title of Conrad’s Novel |
2. | 14.06.2023 | Extension Lecture | Dr. Sunetra Mitra, Assistant professor, Department of History, RKSMVV | The Partition of India 1947 |
3. | 19.06.2023 | Extension Lecture | Dr. Saheli Roy Chowdhury, Assistant professor, Department of Political Science, RKSMVV | Marxism: Some Basic Concepts |
4. | 17.10.2023 | Extension Lecture | Dr. Sipra Mukherjee, Professor, Department of English, West Bengal State University
Modernism: An Introduction |
5. | 17.11.2023 to 08.12.2023 | Global Engagement Programme | Ms. Dwaita Dey, Department of English, Ramakrishna Sarada Mission Vivekananda Vidyabhavan & Dr. Madhuchhanda Mitra, Department of English, The College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University, Minnesota
Global Engagement Programme on Joseph Conrad's "Heart of Darkness |
6. | 15.09.2022- 16.09.2022 | International Phygital Seminar | Day 1- Dr. Rimli Bhattacharya, Professor, Department of English, Delhi University, Christoph Knoblauch, Professor, the Institute for Theology and the Institute for Early Childhood Education, Ludwigsburg University of Education Day 2 – Dr. Swapna Banerjee, Professor of History Brooklyn College and The Graduate Center of the City University of New York | Spaces/Places of Growing Up: Mapping the Geographies of Childhood |
7. | 30.11.2022 | Extension Lecture | Ananya Sasaru, lecturer of English, Uluberia College and PhD scholar, Department of English, the University of Calcutta | Tunnelling into the Past: Memories and the Spectral Hauntings in Virginia Woolf and Sylvia Plath |
2021 – 2022
Sl. No. | Date | Event | Resource Person | Event Title |
1 | 1 .07.2021 &
02.07.2021 |
Online Lecture series | Day 3 – Dr. Tista Das, Assistant Professor, Department of History, Bankura University
Day 4 – Dr. Anwesha Sengupta Assistant Professor, Institute of Development Studies Kolkata |
Partition Narratives:
Day 3 -“Women in India’s Partition” Day 4 – The Railway Refugees of Bengal Partition: Revisiting Sealdah Station of 1950s- 60s’ |
2 | 12.01.2022 | Extension Lecture | Dr. Kabir Chattopadhyay,Assistant Teacher, The Heritage School | Why on earth should someone study Harry Potter?”The Social and Cultural Importance of Popular Children’s Literature” |
3. | 16.01.2022 | Extension Lecture | Dr. Debarati Dutta, Assistant Professor, Dhupguri Girls’ College | Who cares, who killed Roger Ackroyd, or do we? :Unsettling the detective convention in the world of Christie” |
4. | 05.03.2022 | Extension Lecture | Dr. Siddhartha Biswas, Assosiate Professor, University of Calcutta | Twentieth century Modern European Drama |
5. | 09.03.2022 | Extension Lecture | Dr. Nishi Pulugurtha,Assistant Professor, BKC College | British Romanticism |
6. | 30.05.2022 | Extension Lecture | Dr. Madhuchhanda Mitra,College of Saint Benedict, Saint John’s University Minnesota | The Legacy of Sake Dean Mahomet: Introducing Indian Writing in English |
2020 – 2021
Sl. No. | Date | Event | Resource Person | Title |
1. | 04.08.2020–10.08.2020 | Workshop & Online lecture series) | Dr. Madhuchhanda Mitra,Professor, Department of English, College of Saint Benedict, Saint John’s University Minnesota | Interrogating the Colonial: Lectures on Heart of Darkness and Wide Sargasso Sea |
2. | 21.01.2021 | Online Lecture | Niladri R Chatterjee, Professor, Kalyani University | Why Masculinity Studies is Feminist?” |
3. | 4.03.2021 | Online Extension Lecture | Dr. Arpa Ghosh, Associate Professor, English,Vivekananda College for Women | An Introduction to Classical European Literature
4. | 13.06.2021 & 16.06.2021 | Online Extension Lecture | Dr. Madhuchhanda Mitra,Professor, Department of English, College of Saint Benedict, Saint John’s University Minnesota | Chinua Achebe and the Postcolonial Novel |
2019 – 2020
Sl. NO. | Date | Event | Resource Person | Title |
1. | 16. 08.2019 | Extension Lecture | Dr. Modhumita Roy, Associate Professor, Tufts University | Postmodernism”, |
2. | 12.05.2020 | Webinar | Dr. Sanmita Ghosh, Assitanat Professor of English, Hooghly Mohsin College
Dr. Sipra Mukherjee, Professor in the English Department at West Bengal State University |
Decoding Darwin |
3 | 22.06.2020 | Webinar | Dr. Madhuchhanda Mitra,Professor,College of Saint Benedict, Saint John’s University Minnesota | Indian Writing in English |
2018 July 2019 June
Sl. No. | Date | Event | Resource Person | Title |
1. | 26.11.2018 | Extension Lecture | Dr. Subarna Mondol, Sanskrit University, Kolkata | Gothic in Literature, |
2 | 06.12.2018 | Extension Lecture | Professor M. Mitra, St John’s University, Minnesota, USA | Heart Of Darkness |
Educational Trips/ Literary Fest/ Meets & Fairs / Theatre Visits
2022July -2023 June
Sl. No. | Date | Place/ Places Visited/ Activity | Objective |
10.1.2023 | a visit to Chandannagar | Exploring history and heritage |
10.04.2023 | Revelio’23 | |
Cultural Competition on photography, doodling, mini-fiction writing and slam poetry
Departmental Fest | ||
Eita Tomar Gaan – workshop on songwriting and song making with the acclaimed singer and songwriter/ filmmaker/ author Anindya Chattopadhyay | Workshop on songwriting and songmaking |
Sl. No. | Date | Place/ Places Visited/ Activity | Objective |
1. | 10.07.2021 | A talk – “Sustaining the Politics of Calcutta’s South Park Street Cemetery in Sandip Ray’s Gorosthaney Sabdhan (2019)” presented by Ms. Namrata Chowdhury, an Assistant Professor of St. Xavier’s college and an ex-student from the Department | Evoke research interest among students |
2. | 02.08.2021 | Online session – ‘More Power to Your PowerPoint: Skills of Academic Presentation’ presented by Akaksha Krishnatre, ex-student of the department | Guide the students about the various methods, tips and tricks of preparing a power-point presentation for academic purpose
3 | 20.09.21 – 03.11.2021 | Add on Certificate course – ‘Decoding Gender: Interdisciplinary Perspectives’
Resource persons –
Dr.Raili Roy Dr. Meenakshi Malhotra Mr. Prabuddha Banerjee Dr.Modhumita Roy Ms. Anuradha Ghosh Ms. Vandana AlaseHazra Dr. Hardik Brata Biswas Dr.Chandrava Chakravarty Dr.Sanmita Ghosh Dr. Sneha Kar Chaudhuri Dr. Sugata Ray Dr.Soumitra Shankar Datta Ms. Subhangi Singh Ms. Barsha Chakraborty
Explore the area of gender from a numerous perspectives by engaging it with different theoretical parameters and critical lens |
4. | 05.04.2022 | Training session – ‘Stand Up Against Street Harassment’, presented by Bisma Javed | Enlighten the students upon the various types of street harassments and the possible means of resisting them |
5. | 20.04.2022 | A visit to Indian Museum | Explore the archival history |
6. | 28.05.2022 | Session on Career-planning- “Goals beyond Graduation: Conversations with the Departmental Alumni” presented by ex-students of the department Sulagna Sarkar (Batch of 2020) and Akanksha Krishnatre (Batch of 2021) |
Guide the undergraduate students on career planning. |
2020- 2021
Sl. No. | Date | Place/Places Visited/ Activity | Objective | |
1. | 1.01.2020- 24.12.2021 | Add-on Certificate course in English for Academic Purposes (EAP) | Enhance the writing skill of the students, especially for academic purpose | |
2. | 20.02.2021 | Revelio’21
“From Kabul to Kolkata: Of Memories, Belonging and Identity” -A Talk by the author Nazes Afroz, Cultural Competition on Slam Poetry, Photography |
Cultural Awareness, Author meet, Departmental Fest | |
21.02.2021 | Revelio ‘21
Online “Beyond Graduation: The Wider Horizon” |
Counselling for Higher Studies | ||
Sl. No | Date | Place/ Places Visited / Activity | Objective | ||
1. | 17.11.2019 | Revelio’19
Translating the Margins: Facts, Fictions and Findings” –A talk by Dr. Sipra Mukherjee on the translation of Manoranjan Byapari’s book Interrogating My Chandal Life: An Autobiography of a Dalit
Author Meet | ||
“We Shall Overcome”-
Performance and Songs as the Confluence of Music” by Kabir Chattopadhyay
Talk and performance | ||||
“I Bet You Can Draw Cartoons” – Workshop by singer and cartoonist Upal Sengupta on Cartoons | Workshop on Cartooning | ||||
‘It’s my own invention” Cultural competition | Departmental fest | ||||
2. | 29.11.2019 | Visit to Academy of Fine Arts for the play ‘Mrichchhakatika’ | Theatre performance | ||
3. | 19.01.2019 | A heritage and food walk in the “Grey Town” of the city Kolkata with Sri Shuddhabrta Deb. | A historical exploration of the city | ||
4. | 25.02.2020 | A visit to Kolkata Book-fair | Educational | ||
5. | 26.04.2020 | Open event on social media – Sounds of Silence | Cultural | ||
2018 July -2019 June
Sl. No. | Date | Place/ Places Visited/ Activity | Objective | |
1. | 22.08.2018 | A Visit to theatre for Nathbati Anathbat | Theatre performance | |
2. | 11.01.2019 | Excursion to Serampore, Danish colony | Exploring history and heritage | |
3. | 23.02.2019 | A visit to theatre for Tughlaq | Theatre performance | |
44. | 24.05.2019 | Students’ performance Shakespeare Lives’- a short play to commemorate Shakespeare’s 455th birthday | cultural | |
55 | 15.05.2019 | Visit to Padatik for the bilingual drama, I am Hamlet, a modern day adaptation of Shakespeare’s tragedy | Theatre Performance | |
Event Reports | Download |
Event Reports English | View |
Ramakrishna Sarada Mission Vivekananda Vidyabhavan
Department of English
Policy on Advanced and Slow Learners vide Meeting held on 12th September 2019
Policy Statement
Advanced learners will have better performance skills, greater receptive and critical thinking abilities and wider readings in areas related to the subject.
Slow learners will show poor class performance and lesser comprehension of the classroom teaching-learning.
Advanced Learners:
Slow Learners:
Annual Mode
Year | Appeared | Passed | 1St class | University Ranks (1stto 10th) | |
2018 | H | 8 | 8 | 1 | 1st |
2019 | H | 15 | 15 | 1 | 1st |
2020 | H | 12 | 12 | 1 |
CBCS Systems
Year | Appeared | Passed | CGPA
6-7 (60% -70%) |
7 – 8 (70% – 80%)
8 – 9 (80% – 90%) |
9-10 Above 90% |
2018-2021 | 11 | 11 | 6 | 5 | ||
2019-2022 | 08 | 08 | 1 | 6 | 1 | |
2020-2023 | 16 | 15 | 2 | 7 | 4 | 2 |
2021-2024 | 10 | 10 | 2 | 4 | 3 | 1 |
Higher Education:
Year | Name of student placed / enrolling into higher education and contact details | Programme graduated from | Name of the employer with contact details / Name of institution joined | Pay package at appointment (In INR per annum) (applicable for students who got placement) / Name of program admitted to (applicable for students who progressed to higher education) |
2018-19 | Dipanwita Biswas | B.A. Hons. In English | Guru Govind Sing Indraprastha University | M.A.in English |
2018-19 | Nabaneeta Polley | B.A. Hons. In English | University of Calcutta | M.A. in English |
2018-19 | Prarthita Roy | B.A. Hons. In English | Indraprastha University | M.A. in English |
2018-19 | Mrittika Dutta | B.A. Hons. In English | Loreto College, Kolkata | M.A. in English |
2018-19 | Anwesha Saha | B.A. Hons. In English | St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata | M.A. in English |
2018-19 | Anusree Kole | B.A. Hons. In English | St Xavier’s University, Kolkata | M.A. in English |
2018-19 | Moumita Nandi | B.A. Hons. In English | Sarojini Naidu College, Kolkata | M.A. in English |
2018-19 | Ashmita Kar | B.A. Hons. In English | Rabindra Bharati University | M.A. in Classical Music |
2018-19 | Anindita Chakraborty | B.A. Hons. In English | University of Calcutta | M.A. in Comparative Literature |
Year | Name of student placed / enrolling into higher education and contact details | Program graduated from | Name of the employer with contact details / Name of institution joined | Designation | Pay package at appointment (In INR per annum) (applicable for students who got placement) / Name of program admitted to (applicable for students who progressed to higher education) |
2018-19 | Rhitobrita Chakraborty | B.A. Hons. In English | PwC India | Content and Knowledge Management Associate | 700000 |
Higher Education:
Year | Name of student placed / enrolling into higher education and contact details | Programme graduated from | Name of the employer with contact details / Name of institution joined | Pay package at appointment (In INR per annum) (applicable for students who got placement) / Name of program admitted to (applicable for students who progressed to higher education) |
2019-20 | Prognya Chakraborty | B.A. Hons. In English | Shri Shikshayatan College | M.A. in English |
Aishi Mishra | B.A. Hons. In English | Shri Shikshayatan College | M.A. in English | |
Swastika Sanyal | B.A. Hons. In English | Sri Ramakrishna Sarada College of Education, Murshidabad | B.Ed | |
Arunima Das | B.A. Hons. In English | Visva Bharati University | M.A. in English | |
Shrestha Biswas | B.A. Hons. In English | Shri Shikshayatan College, Kolkata | M.A. in English | |
Poushali Bhattacharya | B.A. Hons. In English | St.Paul’s Cathedral Mission College | M.A. in English | |
Mrittika Das | B.A. Hons. In English | St.Paul’s Cathedral Mission College | M.A. in English |
Year | Name of student placed / enrolling into higher education and contact details | Program graduated from | Name of the employer with contact details / Name of institution joined | Designation | Pay package at appointment (In INR per annum) (applicable for students who got placement) / Name of program admitted to (applicable for students who progressed to higher education) |
2019-20 | Sulagna Sarkar | B.A. Hons. In English | TCS | Trainee BPS | 192000 |
2019-20 | Paulomi Lahiri | B.A. Hons. In English | The British Institutes | Academic Counsellor and Office Coordinator | 144000 |
2019-20 | Amrita Mitra | B.A. Hons. In English | TCS | Trainee BPS | 192000 |
Higher Education:
Year | Name of student enrolling into higher education and contact details | Program graduated from | Name of institution joined | Name of program admitted to (applicable for students who progressed to higher education) |
2020-21 | Sunanda Roy
B.A. Hons. In English | Shri Shikshayatan College | M.A. in English |
2020-21 | Shreyosy Maiti | B.A. Hons. In English | The Maharaja Sayajirao University, Baroda | M.A. in English |
2020-21 | Saumi Mondal | B.A. Hons. In English | Sarojini Naidu College for Women, Kolkata | M.A. in English |
2020-21 | Srijani Pal | B.A. Hons. In English | Sarojini Naidu College for Women, Kolkata | M.A. in English |
2020-21 | Akansha Krishnatre | B.A. Hons. In English | Presidency University | M.A. in English |
2020-21 | Abhisikta Ghosh | B.A. Hons. In English | Sarojini Naidu College for Women, Kolkata | M.A. in English |
2020-21 | Madhusree Maitra | B.A. Hons. In English | West Bengal State University | M.A. in English |
2020-21 | Sneha Barman | B.A. Hons. In English | Shri Shikshayatan College | M.A. in English |
2020-21 | Rishika Ghosh | B.A. Hons. In English | The Maharaja Sayajirao University, Baroda | M.A. in English |
Year | Name of student | Programme graduated from | Name of the employer with contact details | Designation | Pay package at appointment (In INR per annum) (applicable for students who got placement) |
2020-21 | Ipshita Saha
B.A. Hons. In English | TCS | Trainee BPS | 192000 |
Higher Education:
Year | Name of student enrolling into higher education and contact details | Programme graduated from | Name of institution joined | Name of program admitted to (applicable for students who progressed to higher education) |
2021-22 | Archi Chakraborty | B.A. Hons. In English | University of Calcutta | M.A in English |
Dimita Acharya | B.A. Hons. In English | Shantiniketan Govt. College of Nursing | B.Sc. nursing |
Year | Name of student placed and contact details | Programme graduated from | Name of the employer with contact details | Designation | Pay package at appointment (In INR per annum) (applicable for students who got placement) |
2021-22 | Soumi Mandal | B.A. Hons. In English | TCS | Trainee BPS | 156000 |
2021-22 | Swagata Ghoshal | B.A. Hons. In English | TCS | Trainee BPS | 156001 |
2021-22 | Ankita Datta | B.A. Hons. In English | TCS | Trainee BPS | 156002 |
2021-22 | Janayitri Mandal | B.A. Hons. In English | TCS | Trainee BPS | 156002 |
Higher Education:
Year | Name of student enrolling into higher education and contact details | Program graduated from | Name of institution joined | Name of program admitted to (applicable for students who progressed to higher education) |
2022-23 | Adrija Biswas | B.A. Hons. In English | IGNOU | M.A in Journalism and Mass Communication |
2022-23 | Anushka Bhattacharya | B.A. Hons. In English | CAT 2024 Preparation Course | |
2022-23 | Anushka Nashkar | B.A. Hons. In English | Sarojini Naidu college | M.A in English |
2022-23 | Madhurima Bairaagi | B.A. Hons. In English | University of Hyderabad | M.A in English |
2022-23 | Nabamita Basu | B.A. Hons. In English | Shri Shikshayatan | M.A in English |
2022-23 | Rajasri Sarkar | B.A. Hons. In English | Government Exams Preparation Course | |
2022-23 | Ramyani Mukherjee | B.A. Hons. In English | RICE | Government Exams Preparation Course |
2022-23 | Saheli Ghosh | B.A. Hons. In English | Sarojini Naidu college | M.A in English |
2022-23 | Sarmi Biswas | B.A. Hons. In English | Sarojini Naidu college | M.A in English |
2022-23 | Urbi Roy | B.A. Hons. In English | Rabindra Bharati University | M.A in English |
2022-23 | Aheli Sen | B.A. Hons. In English | Rabindra Bharati University | M.A in English |
Year | Name of student placed | Program graduated from | Name of the employer with contact details | Designation | Pay package at appointment (In INR per annum) (applicable for students who got placement) |
2022-23 | Tanuja Midde | B.A. Hons. In English | Teleperformance | Customer Service Associate Voice | |
2022-23 | Sukanya Das | B.A. Hons. In English | Bajaj alliance | ||
2022-23 | Singini Ghosh, 7439444470 | B.A. Hons. In English | TCS | Trainee | 127920 |
NET/SET Qualification – 2018-2024
Name | Year of passing |
Chandrama Basu (JRF) | 2018-19 |
Triparna Chattopadhyay | 2019-2020 |
Shreyosy Maiti | 2024 |
Rishika Ghosh | 2024 |
Anushree Kole | 2024 |
Evolution of English Theatre from Pageant Wagons to Proscenium Theatres | View |
Students’ Section | Download |
Farewell 2022 | View |
Freshers Welcome 2022 | View |
Virtual Farewell 2021 | View |
Shakespeare’s day 2019 Video 1 | View |
Shakespeare’s Day 2019 video 2 | View |
Revelio – Literary Meet and Culture Fest
Started in 2019, by the Department of English, Revelio is a literary meet and cultural fest that celebrates the joys of learning through unconventional mediums. Conceptualized as an amalgam of a high-brow Meet, where eminent guest speakers would come to talk about their celebrated works or hold workshops on their fields of excellence; and a youthful Fest, throbbing with the energy of the young college-goers who can showcase their talents through their original and creative compositions at various open competitions, our event is named REVELIO.
Revelio 2019 (17- 11-2019)
Revelio 2021 (20th and 21st Feb, 2021, online)
Celebrating Shakespeare
In the history of English and world literature, Shakespeare holds an unparalleled place. Our students aim to celebrate this literary giant in their own ways and reflect on how his contributions are an important part of our lives in ways that often go unnoticed.
Every year the Departmental students commemorate the Bard of Avon by staging adaptations of Shakespeare’s plays, creating celebratory videos or witty skits.
In 2019 April, the students stages an original play titled ‘Shakespeare Lives’
In 2020 during the pandemic closure, students produced a short video with original artworks titled ‘Remembering Shakespeare’.
In 2021, with the continuation of the pandemic, the students produced an original skit on Shakespeare’s contribution to our everyday vocabulary, titled ‘Shakespeare – Our Contemporary’.
The Notebook
The Notebook is a literature and creative arts blog run by the students of the Department of English. The blog primarily follows the journey of the students through different events, exploration of new art forms and writing about interesting topics. It also provides a solid platform for our students to explore and share their own passion in various fields.
After Hours
After Hours is a Department run literary club that offers it members, students and faculty alike, a platform to share their mutual love of literature and the other arts in all forms and mediums. The idea behind the conception of the club was to encourage the students to take part in various activities like creating memory projects, researching illustrations or discussing their favourite book covers.
Students’ Research Circle
The Students’ Research Circle is an online platform, where our current and ex-students can talk about and present their academic papers/MA disseminations/M.Phil or PhD research/Postdoctoral studies. The initiative is conceived as a forum of academic exchange between the faculty, current students and our ex-students.
For the maiden session, held on 10th July 2021, Ms. Namrata Chowdhury, ex-student of our department and currently an Asst. Professor of English at St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata and a doctoral scholar at West Bengal State University, talked on ‘Sustaining the Politics of Cultural Memory in the Design of Calcutta’s South Park Street Cemetery in Sandip Ray’s Gorosthaney Sabdhan (2010)’.
Co-curricular Awards
Won by Departmental Students at Prestigious Events
Akanksha Krishnatre of Semester IV, ranked 1st as the best speaker against the motion, in the debate held on the motion ‘Charles Dickens: A rebel novelist?’ at Oxford bookstore, on 22nd February 2020.
Sunanda Roy of Semester IV, ranked 2nd, in the folk unplugged singing competition, at Amity University on 4th March 2020.
Rishika Ghosh of Semester IV, ranked 2nd, in the poster competition ‘Revisiting Gandhi in modern times’ at Belur Vidyamandir on 4th March 2020.
Rishika Ghosh of Semester III, ranked 1st, at the ‘Safe Drive Save Life’ poster competition, Organized by the Kolkata police in the September of 2019.
Riya Bahadur and Akanksha Krishnatre of Semester II, ranked 1st and 2nd respectively, for the prize for best speakers for and against the motion, in the debate on Environment Organized by Belur Vidyamandir on 6th February 2019.
Ashmita Kar was awarded the 3rd prize in Dhrupad and Keyal category in the Sate Level Competitions 2016-17 held by West Bengal Rajya Sangeet Academy.
Ashmita Kar of 3rd year, ranked 2nd in Bhajan category, at the Talent Search Contest organized by Dover Lane Music Conference and Academy on 26th December 2016.
Special Achiever
Asmita Kar (Batch of 2019) – Champion in the prestigious Pan- Bengal ZEE Sa re Ga Ma Pa music competition in 2023
University Rank Holders
Anwesha Saha (Batch of 2019) – University topper in English Honours in 2019.
Akanksha Krishnatre (Batch of 2021) – University topper in English Honours in 2021.
Shreyosy Maiti (Batch of 2021) – 3rd rank holder in English Honours in the University
Srijani Pal (Batch of 2021) – 4th rank holder in English Honours in the University
Abhisikta Ghosh (Batch of 2021) – 9th rank holder in English Honours in the University
Tinni Giri, Batch of 2018
University First rank holder in English Honours
Compeleted MA, currently preparing for NET and further studies.
Chandrama Basu, Batch of 2016
University Fourth rank holder in English Honours
Qualified NET, JRF scholarship holder (2018)
Currently, State Appointed College Teacher (I), English Department, Prasanta Chandra Mahalanabis Mahavidyalaya, Kolkata.
Sayantika Chakraborty, Batch of 2011
University First rank holder in English Honours
Qualified NET (2015),
Currently pursuing PhD from Florida University, with fully funded scholarship
Formerly Assistant Professor in English at St Paul’s College, Kolkata.
Namrata Chowdhury, Batch of 2011
Record Marks: 70% in Part I English Honours (Cumulative Aggregate 62.13%)
Qualified NET (2014)
Currently Assistant Professor, English Department, St Xavier’s College, Kolkata.
Pursuing PhD from West Bengal State University.
Completed PhD
Dr. Debarati Dutta
“The fashioning of democracy and the project of Multitude: A postcolonial critique of resistance through Hardt and Negri”, IIT, Kharagpur, 2018.
Dr. Rimi Ghosh Dastidar
“Metrical Measurement of Human Speech with Special Reference to Bangla Versification”, Jadavpur University, 2018.
Currently pursuing PhD
Sohini Sen
‘Scottish and Indian Interface in the Poetry of Alan Riach and Bashabi Fraser’, Bankura University.
Namrata Chowdhury
‘The Gastronostalgic Reconstruction of the City of Calcutta in Literature and Popular Culture’, West Bengal State University.
Sayantika Chakraborty
‘Feminization of Disasters: Gender and Post-colonial Ecology in South Asian Fiction’,
University of Florida.
Arpita Pandey
‘Painting, Patronage, Popular Culture: A Case Study of Art in Calcutta form 1770 to 1870’, Jawaharlal Nehru University.
Chandrama Basu
‘Beyond Sensationalism: Alternate Readings of Yellowbacks from 1850 to 1890’, Presidency University.
Aitraa Saha
‘Sex Pedagogy and Various Media’, IIT, Madras.
Careers chosen by our Alumni
Faculty in Universities and Colleges:
Dr. Debarati Dutta, Dr. Rimi Ghosh Dastidar, Saswati De, Namrata Chowdhury, Sohini Sen, Sayantika Chakraborty, Triparna Chatterjee, Kathakali Sengupta, Enakshi Chakraborty.
Faculty in Government and Private Schools:
Koel Niyogi, , Ananya Chatterjee, Kasturi Sengupta Dasgupta, Sulagna Roy, Sayani Karan Pradhan, Sanhita Chakraborty, Ritu Bhattacharya, Indrani Mukherjee, Swastika Basu, Sushmita Dutta, Bhaswati Deb Roy, Ushasi Chatterjee, Jyotsna Rai, Shrabanti Panja, Nupur Kar Sengupta, Shreya Deb Ghosh, Subarna Ghoshal Batabyal, Debika Dey, Tami Sikdar Majumdar, Ishani Ghoshal.
Corporate/Private Sector/ IT Professionals:
Sonali Dey Majumdar, Suvashree Chakraborty, Chhandasi Nandi Saha, Aditi Bandopadhyay, Pranamita Paul, Sudeshna Roy, Arpita Paul, Poulomi Lahiri, Sulagna Sarkar, Bidipta Chatterjee Ghosh, DebdattaTopdar, Satarupa Saha, Arpita Banik
Govt./Public Sector Officers:
Soumita Chakraborty, Sananda Goswami
Bank Executives:
Swatilekha Saha Das, Hena Saha
Media/Journalism/Content Writers and Content Developers:
Rupa Ganguly Talukdar, Moumita Das, Pritha Basu Sarker, Rhitobrita Chakraborty, Sulagna Sarkar
Bipasha Dutta Nath, Chandrima Ukil
Sangsthita Chakrabarty
Published Author/ Artist/ Performer:
Lopamudra Banerjee, Madhumita Gupta, Ashmita Kar, Arpita Pandey
Mitali Purkait Ghosh, Digital Concepts
Aditi Dasgupta, Symbiotique
Sayanti Das, Wolf Publications (Formerly an employee of IBM)
Debarati Roy, Elta Global (Formerly a senior trainer at the British Council)